Raid Schedule
- Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00PM-10:15 PM Eastern Time (Zul'jin realm Time). (If you can show up 10 minutes early that would be great.)
- We understand that no one has an unlimited amount of time to play. We hold ourselves accountable when utilizing the time we invest.
Mythic+ Schedule
- Saturday and Sunday Evening from 8:00PM-12:00AM (Zul'jin realm Time).
Applicant requirements
- Be excellent to one another. We emphasize bringing the player, not the class - it’s our recipe for success these past 15 years.
- Ability to listen and respond positively to constructive criticism - own up to mistakes.
- Dedication and reliability. Show up consistently and on time. Post in our raid attendance channel if you cannot make it on time or need to miss raids. We understand real life happens but we ask for advance communication to organize our raid content.
- History of performance via logs and listing general experience helps.
- Stable internet connection and a computer able to keep up with content that is being done.
- View guides and videos on boss encounters that we post in advance and researching class-specific tips for upcoming fights.
- We recommend Deadly Boss Mods, a voice pack, and Weak Auras for addons.
- Follow our Guild Charter.
What we can offer
- Competitive progression while having a light raid schedule.
- Dedicated roster of close-knit players that show up prepared and ready to progress.
- Raid consumables - Health/Mana Potions, Elemental Potions of Power (via Cauldron), Runes, basic enchants, and feasts - are covered and we expect raiders to maximize the use of these tools. We have a stipend for guild repairs from the guild bank as well.
Application process
- We are always accepting excellent players, please do not hesitate to apply. Players looking for a social home do not need to be any particular class or spec. Please also feel free to apply.
- We have a
Google Form for applications. Please Contact an officer below after
filling out the form to setup an interview:
- Guild Master: Saffy - [Btag: Saffy#1122] (Discord @Saffy#3066)
- Raid Leader: Elemente - [Btag Elemente#1782] (Discord: @Elemente#8978)
- Raid Analyzer and Healing Lead: Nastidon (Discord: @Sedge1987)
- We will conduct a 10-30 minute voice interview to discuss recruitment in more detail. We are upfront with who and what we are and expect the same level of respect. It helps ensure everyone is a good fit for each other.
- Accepted applicants are brought in for a 1-4 week trial period. The duration is based on in-game and discord interaction with our guild members.