Who We Are
- Hordeland Security is a raiding guild that centers around World of Warcraft on Zul'jin. Our main goal is to complete Ahead of the Curve (AoTC) each season. Afterwards we do a mix of dabbling in Mythic content, with doing an achievement run near the end of the season. We hit Mythic + multiple days of the week at the beginning of the season and focus on Mythic + on weekends primarily throughout the season.
- Our main rule is to be excellent to each other. It means doing the right thing, acting with class, and ensuring that our our guild fosters a friendly atmosphere in any activity that involves the guild. It creates an atmosphere free from harassment, discrimination, and creates a friendly environment to game together. It's been our recipe for success over the 15+ years that the guild has been running.
- We find a way to balance our player base game-time with real-life obligations. All we ask for is open communication as early as possible to let us know if a player will be missing a raid. This helps us adjust our roster or agenda for the raid night.
- Each season we engage player interest in each form of content and try to set up guild events weekly/monthly to keep our player base engaged. This means we sometimes add a farming mats night; other times Mythic+ grouping; and in the beginning of a season an optional third raid night on Monday.
Our Early Chapters
- When BC launched, a couple of Guilds merged into HLS - Chaos Contingency, and Horde Elite. HLS had a sister guild that split off in BC, called Rest in Piece. Many HLS members raided with them and they raided with us. We got to Teron Gorefiend in Black Temple before the 3.0 WOTLK prepatch. Acnele, our resident Boomkin, became our Raid Leader and lead us to victory through the middle of MoP.
- In WOTLK we really gained a solid core of raiders, had a 10 man and 25 man team, and pushed Heroic content each tier as 10 man teams, Normal 25 and then hit Heroic 25 at the end of the tier. This was probably the largest the guild was in terms of raiding, as we did Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday as in 25 man and picked two days a week on 10 man to progress both at the same time. We accomplished Normal 25 LK at 20% Buff.
- In Cataclysm, Saffy took over the guild as Director from Sol, who created HLS in Vanilla, based on a gaming group that played Everquest and Couterstike together for years. By the End of Cataclysm, we had many original members and former Horde Elite players retire from wow as raiders due to kids needing more attention or other real life obligations. They became known as the Old Guard of HLS. Some still play on occasion and usually visit the game with a new expansion, but generally do not raid.
- When MoP hit, we ended up rebuilding our core from the players retiring in Cata, but started the first raid as a 10 man Heroic raiding guild. We absorbed a guild called and ended up remaining a 25 Normal mode man raiding guild completing AoTC in each raid tier. We moved to Turalyon from Baelgun in Throne of Thunder to keep recruitment high raiding players. One of our long-time members, Duerdon, took up the mantle of Raid Leader during this server transition, and lead us to glory for 3 expansions.
- In Warlords of Draenor we ended up missing AoTC with Blackwing Lair, leaving only the final boss on heroic undefeated by us. We completed the other raids in this expansion with AoTC.
- In Legion we had stable runs with multiple Mythic + teams running daily. Every tier was completed AoTC and some raids we dabbled in Mythic mode. We added an events officer in BFA to keep M+ teams moving along together in the guild, based on their performance doing this in an unofficial capacity.
Battle For Azeroth Chapter
- I would like to thank Duerdon for running the raids, making them fun, and entertaining even during progression. Him, and his impact on the guild, can never be replaced. He has been with the guild since near the beginning: he raided, did dungeons, and was always entertaining to keep a conversation with. Duerdon retired from raiding to spend more time with his family and other interests.
- For the first raid tier of Uldir, we hit the ground running with an extra raid night in the first tier a few times during the raid start and skipped starting in Normal Mode first. We managed 3 Mythic + teams relatively consistently for this raid tier. We also managed to get 2 bosses down in Mythic mode before moving on to the next tier (and got AoTC, naturally).
- In Battle of Dazar'alor, we managed AoTC in the middle of the raid tier, but decided to give our raiders a break after discussing it with them in depth throughout the raid tier. Players took a gaming break, did Mythic +, and also played other games together. We did manage to partner with another guild on Turalyon and many raiders still got the first boss down in Mythic mode (though not enough for a guild achievement). Herve/Fruitdealer took over the role of Raid Leader for this tier.
- In Ny'alotha, we managed AoTC at a solid pace, allowing our raiders to also take a raiding break to spend time doing Mythic +, playing other games, and ensuring they were recharged for Shadowlands.
Shadowlands Chapter
- Shadowlands marked the largest increase in active players for a new expansion. In the first raid tier, Castle Nathria, we had multiple teams running Mythic + and managed a third night of raiding near the start for those interested in a normal mode run.
- However, as the player base in all of wow shrunk through Sanctum of Domination, our raid size was also reduced. Turalyon became a really low pop server over this raid tier. We managed to get AoTC, but then took a raiding break to relax and ensure we were recharged for the next raid tier. This also landed around the time of Christmas and the New Year, which we generally take off for our team to spend time with family and friends as well.
- In Sepulcher of the First Ones, we decided that our server for several expansions was dead for raiding, and that it was time to move on. We moved to Zul'jin in April 2022, after getting 3 bosses down in Sepulcher of the First ones on heroic mode. We did manage to get AoTC a few weeks before Season 4 released, continuing our record of managing AoTC each raid tier.
- As we are progressing in Season 4 of Shadowlands we have been rebuilding and stabilizing the guild as we look to the future. We are on the cusp of starting a new chapter of guild while retaining our core values of being excellent to each other while having fun, and managing to get Heroic boss kills on a short time budget.
Dragonflight Chapter
- Dragonflight brought back many players that either skipped Shadowlands, or didn't make it through, bringing in a nice pool of players to bring into the fold. Our raid team expanded to be above 20 consistently, with Tuesday being the larger of two-three raid nights. We have a habit of hitting the first boss in Heroic and seeing how far we can go before flipping to Normal to gear up in a new season.
- In Season 1, Vault ofthe Incarnates, the first month marked a 3 night raid setup thanks to some help from our raiders for making a Sunday Normal raid possible for mains and alts. Some highlights include World 100, Realm 9 Heroic Eronog, completing AoTC in a little over 2 months, and pushing into Mythic by taking down two bosses a month later. After hitting a wall, it was decided not to continue.
- In Season 2, Aberrus, Monday night was not as popular or necessary to push into the raid. Some highlights include World 138th, Realm 15th for Heroic Kazzara, and World 230th, or Realm 21st for Heroic The Amalgation Chamber. In less than two months HLS managed to get AoTC, and decided not to pursue Mythic, rather enjoying a one night raid schedule to full clear heroic only. This allowed some raiders to take a raiding break to come back refreshed for season 3, and allowed our raiders to enjoy extra time with their families during the summer time.
- For season 3, Amirdrassil. things are moving along even faster, completing AoTC in 1 month from the raid launch. World 64th, Realm 6th Heroic Gnarlroot was also acheived. Things are just starting to heat up, as we are looking to hit Mythic one night a week and continue blasting through full clearing Heroic the other raid night as we wait patiently for the next expansion.
- In season four, we spent about 8 weeks re-clearing the three raids, achieving 3 mythic kills in each one before giving our raiders the summer off.
The War Within
- For the first few weeks ofthe expansion, we added an optional Monday night of raiding, which had a smaller group that continued to progress in deeper in the raid.
- We achieved world 45th for the Heroic Ulgrax (first boss), by jumping in and taking him out as our first part of progression. We moved through all of Normal mode in our first week and took out 2 heroic bosses.
- In week 3, HLS moved to 7/8 Heroic, with the optional third night again proving a successful Heroic Silken Court kill!
- In week 6, we decided to shift gears and take down Mythic Ulgrax before taking down Queen.
- A few weeks later, Queen Ansurek was taken down, and then followed by Mythic Bloodbound Horror, and Mythic Silkran as well!
- AS we continue in season 1, the goal remains to kill Mythic Rasha'nan and get some attempts on Mythic Broodtwister and Ky'veza.
The Future
- If you made it this far, what are you waiting for?! This is a great time to join the guild and continue building momentum for the future of the game. If this is something you'd like to be a part of, apply to join us today!